Introducing metamap


Metadata discovery

Metamap automates business term discovery, the mapping between business metadata and physical data, and enriches definition writing based on references in business documents.


The best tool in the market to expedite the discovery and creation of enterprise business glossary.

Discover Business Terms

Discovers critical business terms present within business documents such as contracts, process documents, product, manuals, requirement specifications or design documents.


It also discovers the relationships with other business terms and their equivalents business terms

Automate Mapping and Classification

Discovers the most probable relationships between business terms and their corresponding physical data elements.


It also reveals the relationships between business metadata and other business metadata equivalents and related business terms.


This physical data discovery provides a 360′ view of physical data and mapping with business terms.


Discover Business Contexts and Semantic Catalog

Enhances both technical datasets and textual information with their relevant business contexts which are then made searchable for data and business analysts.


Collaborates and catalogues business data and text across the enterprise and allows for seamless consumption by analytics applications.


It also discovers the relationships with other business terms and their equivalents business terms.

Highlights and suggests Metadata Quality errors

Metamap automatically reviews metadata and term definitions for quality errors including, but not limited to, acronyms, spelling and flagging errors.


It recommends full-text correction based on learning from enterprise documents.


Recommends Business Term definition

It assists data stewards with definition writing.


This machine-led approach makes possible the discovery of contextually relevant definition of a business term.


Metamap provides ready references of their definitions used by various business groups based on various descriptions available in enterprise documents.


Collaborates and catalogues business data and text across the enterprise and allows for seamless consumption by analytics applications.


It also discovers the relationships with other business terms and their equivalents business terms.

Use Cases


Metadata harvesting

Empower Risk and Compliance groups to analyze a regulation and identify the impact on their business in seconds. eg: FRTB, Reg-W, IFRS-9, GDPR… 


Banking & Financial Services


Data Lineage

Compliance and Audit pros can audit controls and procedures implemented by business and identify GAPs…



Banking & Financial Services


Enterprise Glossary

Analyze enterprise documents to extract key terms and their relationships to create an enterprise glossary.


